Montserrat Serra Nonell (1980) is an artist based in Granollers, Barcelona. She uses collage as a common thread in all her works. Which navigates through paintings on canvas or paper and textile works.
Her work sits between abstract paintings and textile sculpture. Following a strong interest on texture, soft movement, fragility and color that fade through the passage of time. She has a poetic view of composition and color that makes each work feel ethereal and lends a sense of warmth. Her most explored subject is the ephemeral nature of time and the beauty that it lends to life.
She says about her work: Through my work I seek to awake some feelings on the viewer so she/he can create an inner dialogue about the way we live our lives. Sometimes life feels so dark and strange, but we can find a place where we feel sheltered and protected and that space is within us. My invitation is to explore the moments when questions are deep, and how we can find the right answers in the present moment.
Download CV here.
Get in touch
Resident artist at La Filanda-Espai de Creació, La Garriga.
-Mujer mira Mujer Asociación Española. España.
-Mujeres en las artes visuales, España.
-Spiltmilk Gallery, UK.
.Featured in a published Book. “The Creative process” . Edited by Arts to Hearts Project. 2024
.Featured in a published Book. “The world between two covers” . Edited by Christine Ebner and Michelle Schratz. 2024
.Voices Group exhibition, Space For Art. Sant Pere de Ribes, Barcelona, Spain
.Mi propia guerra (my own war) Group exhibition, The Stendhal Room, inside Hybrid Art Fair, Madrid, Spain. Curated by Mujeres que cortan y pegan.
.AI enhanced Botanische Kunst, Group exhibition, Viena, Austria. Curated by Christine Ebner.
.AI ehanced-Self portraits . Online Group exhibition, curated by Christine Ebner.
.Group exhibition. Nicoleta Gallery. Berlin, Germany
.Group exhibition. Andakulova Gallery. Dubai, Emirates.
.Group exhibition. Thomson Gallery. Zug, Switzerland.
.Collage is my grounding tool. Solo exhibition, La Lola, Mataró, Barcelona
·Cut, Torn, Mended. Online Group Show. Spiltmilk Gallery.
·Transient Bodies. Online group show. Curated by Inge Flinte. Roaring Artist Gallery.
·Seventh septenium. Solo show. La Gralla, Granollers
·Art pel Xiprer. Group show. Espai Estabanell, Granollers
·Motherhood Knott. Solo Exhibition. Espai d’Arts LLinars, Barcelona.
·Group Exhibition. Casa del Arte, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
·Mathernochronics. Online Group Exhibition. Curated by Emily Szarse
visit it here
·Duo Exhibition. Som Natura
Auditori Barradas. L’hospitalet. Barcelona.
·Group exhibition. Art group trend exhibition
Curated by Pamdesis gallery. Granollers, Barcelona.
·Solo Exhibition . Discovering Motherhood.
Blau llimona Restauració, Granollers, Barcelona.
·Solo Exhibition Embroidered Poetry
Casa Sagnier. Barcelona