Drawings, engravings and paintings


Going Without Arriving

In our daily lives, we usually feel pressured to move ahead.  We have to hurry.  We seldom ask ourselves where it is that we must hurry to. 

When you practice walking meditation, you go for a stroll.  You have no purpose or direction in space or time.  The purpose of walking meditation is walking meditation itself.  Going is important, not arriving.  Walking meditation is not a means to an end; it is an end.  Each step is life; each step is peace and joy.  That is why we don’t have to hurry.  That is why we slow down.  We seem to move forward, but we don’t go anywhere; we are not drawn by a goal.  Thus we smile while we are walking.

A Guide to Walking Meditation byThich Nhat Hanh

Those nature drawings are the physical result of walking meditation and my regular practice of zen meditation.


Handcarved drawings printed on watercolor paper.


Paintings on paper or canvas.