Weaved Stones

An exploration of the profound connection between nature's untouched beauty and the intimate touch of human creativity. Each stone in this collection has embarked on a remarkable journey, formed and shaped by the relentless forces of nature over millennia. Once mere elements in the vast mosaic of the earth's materials, these stones were unrefined and unaltered by human hands until they were discovered and selected by young explorers—my children.

The stones I use were collected during the last 10 years, or you could say the first 10 years of motherhood.

I started this project on april 2024, under the mentoring of Ana Alvarez Errecalde, during her art workshop called “Arte y parto”.

After the workshop I decided to keep exploring the work that I started, the baby that was birthed through our talks and shares. It is still a work in progres, and I would like that it will end up being an installation of a tapestry or map thorugh the stones and photography.