Seventh septenium

The use of natural materials has been an increasingly essential way in my work. And shamanism studies are a companion towards the subtle and real world that surrounds us. These two anchor points mark the work that I have been doing this year that I have turned 42. These age is the beginning of the seventh septenium. A turning point, a time where you expect the second great existential crisis of life. Without really knowing it, I have entered a journey towards myself. In the rawest, simplest, and most daring way.

Through these paintings I have come close to capturing the essence of the emotion that has caused me the beginning of the seventh septenia. Those works are organic, with a soft palette that comes from the use of clay and vegetable inks made at home. The large format of the works is intended to evoke a sense of the grandeur and depth of this stage of human development. Where looking inward becomes a journey towards an immensity of personal history traveled and the one left to travel. The absence of figures allows the visitor to focus on the abstract essence of each stage, on the memory of that emotion that has brought him to the present moment.

Through my art, I hope to encourage viewers to reflect on their own experiences of growth and change, and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the human being and the impermanent experience of Life. Those works are a transparent invitation to explore the depths of our souls and to find meaning and inspiration in the continuous cycle of life.


Anthroposophy is a philosophy developed by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the 20th century. The concept of septenium refers to a cycle of seven periods of human development, each of which lasts approximately seven years. Steiner defined that these periods correspond to specific physical, emotional and spiritual changes in a person's life.

According to Steiner, the first septenium begins at birth and lasts until the age of seven. During this time, the child develops the physical body and sense of self-awareness.

The second septenium, from the ages of 7 to 14, is a time of emotional development and the emergence of the individual's inner life. The child becomes more aware of himself and begins to form his own values ​​and beliefs.

The third septenium, from the ages of 14 to 21, is a time of intellectual and spiritual awakening. The teenager is more able to think abstractly and develop a greater sense of purpose and direction in life.

The fourth septenium, from the ages of 21 to 28, is a time of continuous spiritual development and emergence of the individual's true vocation or life's work.

The fifth septenium, from 28 to 35 years old, is a time of greater responsibility and social commitment. The person develops a deeper sense of connection with the world around them and becomes more involved in community affairs.

The sixth septenium, from the ages of 35 to 42, is a time of increased creativity and productivity. The adult becomes more fully himself and reaches the peak of his physical, emotional and intellectual abilities.

Finally, the seventh septenium, from 42 to 49 years, is a time of introspection and reflection. The adult becomes more spiritual and gains a greater understanding of the purpose and meaning of his life.

It is important to note that these septeniums are not immovable and/or fast rules, and it must be remembered that people may experience different phases of development at different times. The idea of ​​septeniums, however, provides a useful framework for understanding the stages of human development and the changes we go through as we grow and mature.




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