“In my opinion, the only eternal and natural thing in motherhood is ambivalence and its manifestation during the cycles of separation and union with our children that continually follow one another”

The Mother Knot, Jane Lazzarre

Motherhood knott

The mother, body and primordial cosmos. From it we go out into the world, with it we are initially a symbiosis, and through it we know each other to be our own cosmos.

Mothering without the mother is like a space trip without coordinates. Without support, you enter the unknown, the weight, and the immensity of the task. You navigate from doubt, to the desire for contact, to memory without sound. Being a mother revolves around self-discovery. And little by little a deep feeling of being part of a network or a galaxy if you want to tell him that goes beyond what you can remember is awakened. The question arises about the weight that you want to hold and pass on to those you have brought into the world. The knot that binds you backwards and forwards in the lineage is deep, permanent and ephemeral at the same time. It is precious and indescribable.

With this exhibition, I dive into answering these questions through the textures in the pictorial works and textile installations.

Exhibition at Espai d’Art, Llinars del Vallès. From februrary 5 to 19 march 2023.

Also I participate in “Artist at class”, a projectc in Ginebró Art High School, where I share my creative process with students and then they will create an artwork related to my artworks. They will exhibit their artworks in parallel with my current show in Espai d’Arts gardens.


Not lasting collage

